Add Helper Components

FillFaster Support

Last Update 7 maanden geleden

Helper components make your online form look better and more informative. These fields are only visible on the form and not on the document. You can choose between:

  • Header: A large text used as a heading or a section divider.
  • Helper Text: Texts used as a description or an instruction.
  • Divider Line: A horizontal line used to separate different parts of the form.
  • HTML: Text with HTML tags and inline css. Can be used to bold text, change colors and even embed a video etc.

You can find these options under the “Add new data field” dropdown. 

To add a helper component, choose from these options. Enter a field name, which is also the text or a brief description of the field. This is shown on the recipient’s end, so make sure it’s clear.

You can change the order of the fields by dragging the fields up or down. 

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