Data Fields

FillFaster Support

Last Update 7 maanden geleden

In FillFaster, data fields are the areas in the document where the user can input data. These fields can be customized to suit your needs.

Date FieldDescription
Field where the user can sign
Full NameComplete name of the person (First, Middle, and Last)
EmailField to enter the email address
PhoneField to enter the phone number
TextA field for entering text
First NameThe first name of the person
Last NameThe last name or the surname of the person
(Automatic to the signing date)
The Date the form was signed, automatically filled by the system
DateField for entering the date
ID numberA unique identification number assigned to the person filling out the form
Options SelectA field for selecting one option from a list of options
Yes/No ChoiceA field for selecting either “Yes” or “No”
CheckboxAllows the user to check/uncheck an option
Number A field to enter a number
Street AddressA field to enter the street address of
CountryA field to enter the country
Zip CodeA field to enter the zip code
URLA field for entering a URL
File UploadA field for uploading a file
ImageA field for uploading an image
Text AreaA field for entering a large amount of text
TimeA field for entering a time

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