Connecting FillFaster to for the first time

FillFaster Support

Last Update há 4 meses

Connecting FillFaster to is a great way to streamline your document workflows. Let’s walk through the steps:

1. Create/Open a scenario: and add a new model.
2. Find the FillFaster App in the list

3. Create a New Connection:

  • Choose any action/trigger you need.
  • Add a new connection.
  • If it's your first time, you don't have an API token yet. Click on "generate a new token," 
  • And once you get it, click "copy" to copy the token to your clipboard.

4. Paste the token in Make:

5. Done, you are connected 🎉

  • Once connected, you can access all your forms and other data.
  • Verify that the connection is successful.

By integrating FillFaster into, you’ll be able to create personalized form submission links, retrieve signed submission data via webhooks, and obtain PDF copies of signed documents. 

Remember, if you encounter any issues during the setup, refer to the official FillFaster documentation or reach out to their support team for assistance. Happy automating!

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